Custom heading shortcode
The following headings are examples of this shortcode:
Example heading level 2
Esimerkkiotsikko oletuskielitunnisteella (Suomi)
Exempeltitel med Svenska språktagg
{{< heading level=2 text="Heading text" >}}
It would also be possible to customise this shortcode with a lang
attribute that could, for example, be used to specificy the heading’s language if different from the site’s default language.
Shortcode template
Link to shortcode template on GitHub(Opens in new window)
A <span> must exist around the title, either for full encapsulation
or partial words, for the sidebar's table-of-contents component to
drill down and findRE/replaceRE findings consistently. This would
be especially necessary if passing something like a "lang" attribute,
for example.
{{ $level := .Get "level" }}
{{ $text := .Get "text" | markdownify }}
{{ $lang := .Get "lang" }}
{{ $id := $text | plainify | lower }}
{{ $id = $id | replaceRE "&" "and" }}
{{ $id = $id | anchorize }}
{{ $id = $id | replaceRE " " "-" | replaceRE "---" "-" | replaceRE "--" "-" | replaceRE "-+" "-" | replaceRE "," "-" }}
<!-- Catch any options for true or defaults -->
{{ $languageCode := "fi" }}
{{ if or (ne $lang 1) (ne $lang true) (ne $lang "true") (ne $lang "fi") }}
{{ $languageCode = $lang }}
{{ end }}
<h{{ $level }}>
id="{{ $id }}"
href="#{{ $id }}"
class="inline-flex transition-colors duration-100 ease-linear focus:outline-none focus:ring hover:text-indigo-600 focus:text-indigo-600 group decoration-2"
<span class="transition duration-100 ease-linear group-focus:ring">
<span {{ if $languageCode }}lang="{{ $languageCode }}"{{ end }}>{{ $text }}</span>
</h{{ $level }}>