Table of contents based on custom headings
Hugo contains its own Table of Contents(Opens in new window) function but this seems to only handle native markdown headings. The following code can be used to assemble a table of contents based on custom headings. Only heading levels 2-4 are supported within the example. The same code is used to create the table of contents listings for this site, which use a custom heading shortcode. An example can be seen either within the “Table of contents” listing on desktop or within the “On this page” accordion on mobile.
Layout partial template
Link to layout partial template on GitHub(Opens in new window)
Relevant TOC related links to this template:
Other related TOC links:
{{ $scratch := newScratch }}
{{ $scratch.Set "last_level" 1 }}
{{ $headers := findRE "<h[2-4].*?>(.|\n)*?</h[2-4]>" .theContent }}
<!-- Requires at least 2 headers to show TOC -->
{{ if ge (len $headers) 2 }}
<div class="lg:sticky lg:top-4">
<div class="pt-2 pb-8 lg:pb-0 lg:pt-0">
class="flex items-center justify-between w-full px-3 py-2 text-left transition duration-100 ease-linear bg-gray-100 border border-gray-300 border-solid js-accordionTrigger lg:hidden focus:outline-none focus:ring underline-trigger"
<span class="underline-target">
On this page
<span class="sr-only">
Toggle the table of contents
<span class="pl-4">
<span class="flex items-center transition duration-200 transform icon">
{{ partial "icons/chevron" (dict "color" "text-inherit" "rotate" "rotate-90") . }}
<div class="transition duration-200 opacity-0 lg:opacity-100 accordion-target table-of-contents">
class="hidden pt-4 lg:block lg:pt-0 sidebar"
<div class="px-2 py-1">
<strong>Table of contents</strong>
<div class="pb-4 pl-6">
<nav aria-label="Table of contents">
{{ range $headers }}
{{ $header := . }}
Drill down into heading's anchor's spans to find/replace certain patterns.
Largely requires an inner <span> to exist, which is handled primarily by
the heading and table-data shortcodes.
{{ $heading := "" }}
{{ $findAnchor := findRE "<a[^>]*>(.|\n)*?</a>" . 1 }}
{{ if $findAnchor }}
{{ $findSpan := findRE "<span class=[^>]*>(.|\n)*?</span>(.|\n)*?</span>" . 1 }}
{{ range $findSpan }}
<!-- Be cautious of the " > space -->
{{ $heading = . | replaceRE `<span class="transition duration-100 ease-linear group-focus:ring">` `` }}
{{ $heading = substr $heading 0 -7 }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ $anchor := ($header | plainify | lower | anchorize) }}
{{ $anchor := $anchor | replaceRE "-amp-" "-and-" | replaceRE "/" "-" | replaceRE " " "-" | replaceRE "---" "-" | replaceRE "--" "-" | replaceRE "-+" "-" }}
{{ range findRE "[2-4]" . 1 }}
{{ $next_heading := (int .) }}
{{ if gt $next_heading ($scratch.Get "last_level") }}
<ul class="list-disc">
{{ else if lt $next_heading ($scratch.Get "last_level") }}
{{ else }}
{{ end }}
href="#{{ $anchor | safeURL }}"
class="inline-flex px-2 py-1 -my-1 -mr-2 no-underline transition duration-100 ease-linear js-hashSet focus:outline-none focus:ring underline-trigger hover:text-indigo-600 focus:text-indigo-600"
<span class="sr-only">Skip to</span> <span class="underline-target">{{ $heading | safeHTML }}</span> <span class="sr-only">section</span>
{{ $scratch.Set "last_level" $next_heading }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Calling the partial
The partial can be called from a template with the following code:
{{ partial "navigation/table-of-contents.html" (dict "theContent" .Content) . }}